
NASH Clinical Research study

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a progressive liver disease linked to diabetes and obesity. Many people with NASH don’t even know they have it. Over time, NASH can lead to fibrosis (scarring) of the liver and permanent liver damage. There are currently no approved treatments for NASH, so clinical research studies are essential to finding treatment options for people living with NASH.

The study will evaluate whether an oral investigational medication called elafibranor is safe and effective in treating and preventing disease progression in patients who have NASH with fibrosis.

  • Are 18 to 75 years old
  • Have been diagnosed with or are at risk for NASH with fibrosis
  • Are willing to have liver biopsies
  • Meet other criteria which the study staff will discuss with you

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To learn more or to see if you may qualify for the study, UH contact: Stephanie at 021 957 9400


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